Saturday, March 28, 2015


I hate that word. That word implies that I'm afraid of something. Just because I don't do what you want I'm the bad guy.

What is the problem most straight men have with gay guys? We know what they're's an example:
A single guy goes to a bar looking for a woman to take home...He offers to buy her a drink...
Female: "I'm not interested"
Guy: "interested in what? It's just a drink."
"But you want something else"
"See, that's the problem with women. You assume all guys are the same. So when a guy offers to buy you a drink you won't give him a chance to show you any different"
"I'm sorry. My name is _____"
"I'm _____."
The guy then proceeds to make her comfortable until the topic of relationships comes up and he manages to get the topic to a specific act he wants.
Woman:"I don't like that"
"Have you tried it?"
"Then how do you know?"
The guy and gal then go somewhere private.  You get the picture.
Take the same scenario but with a gay guy and straight guy:
Gay guy: "can i buy you a drink?"
Straight guy:"nah man I'm not gay"
"Just cause I want to buy you a drink doesn't mean I'm into you like that"
Sound familiar?  The straight guy knows this routine...He uses it. So now he's certain of what's going on. Homophobic? No. He uses the same plays. He knows the game. Only difference is he's on the receiving end.
And that's the point. Gay guys and straight guys think the same. Use the same tactics.
Sure there are people who have a real issue with gays. But stop labeling people bigots because they didn't respond how you wanted them to. It really makes it hard to stop the hate when you build the wall up then complain that it's there.

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